Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just to hold you over until the Christmas pictures...
Luka isn't crawling yet, but rather looks like he's swimming on the ground. He insists that we 'walk him around' while he holds our fingers and walks himself wherever he wants to go. He knows what he wants! He is so fun and giggly and talks a lot in his own secret language (must be German...).

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Below are Luka's 'first cold' pics...even a bit under the weather he tried to be as cheery as possible.

Monday, October 30, 2006

5 1/2 months old...Luka likes pears, bananas and Mama's milkshakes.

Opa Don, Anissa, Great Grandma Dorschner & Luka.

Luka has a sister named Inky who is just 2 weeks older than he is.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Luka turns 4 months old!
A trip to Wisconsin the 3rd week of August gave Luka his first airplane flight and boat trip. We've discovered that he loves flying--especially being lifted high into the air (don't let go!). It makes him giggle like crazy.
Luka talks a lot now, and speaks louder when he feels you're not listening. If you haven't seen him in the flesh, you're missing out!

Opa Don & 3 Grandsons: Alex, 8; Niko, 3; Luka, 3 months.

Hiking in September with Luka's friend, Giovanni, and his Dad, John.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Geez we've been busy...Luka turns 3 months old next Friday the 18th of August!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Luka is especially cute in the morning, when Mama and Papa are still trying to convince Luka to close his eyes (please!) for just a few more minutes...
He giggles and smiles and makes sweet faces one minute and in the next makes this particularly silly one!

He's starting to lose his hair, making room for blonde locks-? He's had a busy few weeks watching the World Cup and visiting with more grandparents and Great Grandma Nichye.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Luka is growing, as expected, right? but really, he seems to have a deeper voice, more spunk in his eyes and ever longer legs each day. We love to watch him do just about anything, all day long

Papa is back at work and trying to stay awake at the office and in the cockpit, but thanks to his new espresso maker, he can still stay up all night!!

Mama sleeps as much as she can because she knows Luka always has a trick or two up his sleeve, mostly in the form of poopy diapers or cries for hunger.

The days pass so quickly we can barely remember which one it is or was...but here are some recent photos of Luka.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

3 days old vs. 9 days old...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hello friends and family,

We are proud to present Luka Schymik to you, but we are even more honored to now show the world to Luka.
Luka wanted to
try coming out the hard way - sideways (wonder who he got that trait from?), but it didn't quite work. So, after two days of labor, the doctors decided to help him out and make another opening for him. He was born on May 18th 2006 at 9:47 in the evening by Cesarean, measuring 20 inches long and 7 pounds, 14.4 ounces, and happy to take his first breaths - and Mama was even happier he was finally outside of her belly.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Monday, April 24, 2006

Luka's on his way